Bri Farenell writes:
> After  much maligning, I have to give ESPN credit. I think
> their presentation of the final was pretty well done (the
> interview w/Hobey Holzinger had to have been Lane Macdonald's
> first appearance as a tv interviewer; either way, he was
> exceptionally nervous). My only criticism was the fact that
> they didn't show the presentation of the championship plaque
> (as they have in the past). But all in all, I think they
> did a good job. Give the devils their due.
For those who know Lane or have ever seen him speak know that he speaks
VERY quickly.  He may have been nervous but I don't think that that had
anything to do with his presentation - that's just the way he speaks.  The
Zinger came across as a well spoken guy but he must've just watched Bull
Durham (I lost count of the number of times he said "just want to take it
one day at a time...."!)
Speaking of Lane, I was a little surprised by the coverage of the BU win
by the Boston media.  I'm making comparisons between this win and the last
local team to win it all, Harvard.  When Harvard won the title, it seemed
to be a much bigger deal.  Not only was it the lead sports story on the
news, but it was the lead NEWS story.  BU's win wasn't even the lead
sports story on some stations (the baseball strike was).  And the Harvard
team got to throw out the first pitch on Opening Day at Fenway.  Will this
be the case for BU?  Is this a comment on how far college hockey still has
to go or more of a comment on the lack of respect the media has for BU?
As much as I loathe BU I thought they deserved a better shake - if it was
BC winning it all the media would've declared a national holiday.
   - Steve