>The most distastefull part for me was after the game the Maine band started
>playing the "Stein Song", and I thought that was very poor.  Boston
>University has just won the Championship, and I realize they are playing to
>congradulate a great Maine team, but they should have just left it alone and
>let BU celebrate with their band and their fans.  You play all year for that
>moment, and the team deserves to have at least that time.
>Deron  [log in to unmask]
I disagree.  The Wisconsin Varsity Band always plays "On Wisconsin" and
"Varsity" at the end of every game win or lose.  If the other team wins,
their band gets to play their school song first.  Our fans drive halfway
across the nation to watch a championship game, they want to sing "Varsity"
afterwards, win or lose.  Maine got to the championship game, their band
deserves to play the school song after the game.  College hockey has a lot
of tradition, singing "Varsity" is one of the greatest.
Brad Edward Toberman                           Songs to thee Wisconsin
DoIT Installation & Repair                        Ever let us sing
Wisconsin Tubas                                 Praise to Alma Mater
H: 608-255-7198                                Will ever let us bring
W: 608-265-6459                                Queen of all the West
[log in to unmask]                      College we love best
                                               Queen of all the West
                                                College we love best