Jason Cipolla, a senior at Yale and also a forward for the Eli hockey team,
was stabbed in the ribs last Saturday night by a 35-year-old man who was
trying to assault a female student.
According to the AP report, Cipolla was accompanying the student home at
3:00 AM after a fraternity party when the incident happened.  Cipolla
suffered a ruptured spleen, but there was apparently no internal bleeding.
He was treated at Yale-New Haven Hospital and released on Monday.
Campus police apprehended Joseph Keel, who is being held on charges of
first-degree assault and fourth-degree sexual assault (for the attempted
attack on the woman).
Disclaimer -- Unless otherwise noted, all opinions expressed above are
              strictly those of:
Bill Fenwick
Cornell '86 and '95
LET'S GO RED!!                                                  DJF  5/27/94
"I thought with Nixon and Carter we had reached the bottom of the barrel, but
 then Dan Quayle came along and proved that if you lift up the barrel..."
-- Bill Maher