While at the Final Four, I was reminded of how the entire Minnesota
team is from that state (game programs are useful for something!).
Seeing that, I remember a discussion not too long ago about how
Doug Woog was criticized for recruiting only in-state players and not
getting anybody from outside Minnesota.
Now, I'm not a recruiting expert, but why was Woog being criticized
(if that was the case)? Seems to me that the Gophers have been doing
pretty well with only Minnesota residents.
Of course, I think the "criticizing" ceased when Minnesota went to
Providence. :-)
+  Andy Weise                 Let's Go Tech!!     [log in to unmask]  +
=  SUNY Potsdam '93                                                       =
+  Union College '95?         Let's Go U!!        [log in to unmask] +
=  Performance Systems International (PSI)                                =