On 3/20/95, Virginia Adams wrote:
>There was a story on the CNN news last night about Zamboni pollution. The
>reporter was Joan McFarlane. She stated that in July 1993 50 students were
>overcome by carbon monoxide fumes from a Zamboni. Levels of carbon monoxide
>found were 10 times higher than federal guidelines. The problem results from
>operating a combustible engine in an enclosed area.
About 2 or 3 years ago, a situation occured at my high school alma mater
(Beaver Dam, WI. . . .Home of the Golden Beavers--insert joke here) where
several players and fans from the visiting team were overcome by Zamboni
fumes and had to be hospitalized.  The last thing that I heard was that some
of the players suffered permanent (lung?) damage and there was a pending
lawsuit.  Apparently, these fumes were discriminatory because I don't believe
any of the home fans or players were affected beyond simple nausea.  But that
usually happened at Beaver Dam hockey games anyway.  :)
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A former Beaver Dam Sieve.