Just a short note to mention that college hockey and the
Maine-Michigan semifinal is not the only sport ESPN treats poorly.
ESPN is spending a lot of money to cover the America's Cup yet
yesterday they did *not* stay with the race until the end.  at 7:08pm
ET they switched it over to ESPN2 so the could show Sports Center on
ESPN.  I personally do not consider this "staying with a live event"
until the end.  Yet, if ESPN does (and they *MUST*), then why did
they not switch the tennis match over to ESPN2 at the start of the
Maine-Michigan semifinal?  I see no difference at all.
It is also quite obvious that ESPN cares more about showing
SportsCenter than they do about showing actual sports!
I have to go now, as the America's Cup racing is (maybe) underway
Sean Pickett
Go Boston University Terriers
1995 NCAA, Hockey East and Beanpot Champions
BU Hockey:  http://www.tiac.net/users/spickett/hockey.html
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