It is strange indeed that this pops up ever so often (well, with the
season gone, this time its not so unexpected) and every time the same
faulty facts are presented...and requests (or is it demands) for Coach
Walsh's head are made.
I have said this before and I say it the facts stand right
now, most of the NCAA violations at UMaine are the fault of the Athletic
Administration Office, not Walsh's. Unless, someone (NCAA) come up with
a different news, that is how they will remain. Of course, hockey being
the high profile sport at Maine, I know they are the target. O well.
Probably, the only thing Walsh can be truly guilty of, is the Jeff Tory
incident. I believe, he said that he had heard about it, but apparently
he did not pursue that well enough. So, rake him for that. But, for
everything that goes on  in the Atheltic Dept...come come no
one asks for the firing of Track and Field Coach...or , perhaps, someone
sees Walsh's hand in the recent episode of the Dining Commons!!!
As far as Sean's questioning of Walsh...Sean, I am sorry that some folks
at Maine have been talking the way they have been about Joubert (not
knowing all the facts, I do not wish to say anything about it, except
that I always thought he was a fine hockey player). Now, I know I cannot
talk for Wals; but, perhaps, he's feeling a little edgy about all this
and the fact that some people would like to see him go. So, maybe, he
felt the need for a backup. I remember 2 years ago, he did a similar
thing...while saying he wished to stay at Maine, he also interviewed
with Keenan to become aasst. coach for the Rangers. He didnt become
that (while the Rangers went on to win it all :> ). If Walsh were to
get and take the OSU job, while rejecting a Maine offer, then I'd agree
with you. Until then, I feel that we should reserve our judgements.