Just back from 6 days in Baltimore, MD.  I was
attending a geek conference (I wasn't the keynote speaker).
Pretty cool city!  There are two brew pubs that I
would recommend to all!  The best atmosphere was the Wharf Rat
right across the street from Camden Yards!  Good solid home brew
and they had Pete's Wicked Ale on tap!  But, the pool table was a
little cramped for space!  The best beer was at The Baltimore
Brewing Company.  They had a wheat beer that was exceptional
and only $3 for half liter.
Biggest dissapointment of the trip:  Sunday night the caps were
in town and playing the Rangers. I couldn't make the game, so I missed
seeing two UW goalies in action!
Now for business:  I had unsubscribed for the week, but now I'm
back!  Could someone mail me the various polls this week (or at least
where I would find them in the archives?  Thanks!
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on wisCAHNsin
class of '90
ps Man, Baltimore has a lot of panhandlers!