Agreed.  Like I mentioned a few days ago, I sent letters to Sports
Illustrated thanking them for Alexander Wolf's recent Inside College
Hockey article and asking for more!  I encourage everyone to do the
"Letters to SI should include name, address and home phone of the writer
and should be addressed to:  The Editor, Sports Illustrated, Time & Life
Building, Rockefeller Center, NY, NY  10020-1395."
The guy who wrote the article was Alexander Wolf.
   - Steve
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 FROM too long. Original FROM is ' "Bob Downes  University of Alaska
Nanooks--go Nanooks,              beat" <[log in to unmask]>'
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What does it take to get the national press to more actively report
hockey?  The game is extraordinary and the following is rabid.  It is
becoming to the NHL what college football is to the NFL.  Yet none of the
broadcast networks even mention the scores.  The Sports Machine (a/k/a The
Demolition Derby and Bullriding Machine) hardly recognizes the NHL let
the college game. Perhaps we (the fans of college hockey) should continue
support the few breakthroughs like in the recent Sports Illustrated
hockey column--however I think we should be more proactive in putting
pressure on national media to expand printed coverage and have college
rundowns and highlights on radio and TV.  What think all of you?