I agree with Andrew.  Maybe I'm just bitter, but it seems all you non-Brown fan
s are more enthusiastic about Parsons than are we Bruin faithful.  I guess I wa
s spoiled by Finch, but I've seen Parsons blow several games (and while Clarks
on did play a great game--Parsons looked like a deer caught in the headlights).
He's not a bad goalie (in fact he's usually fairly good), but he is prone to su
dden characteristic meltdowns.  I acknowledge that he has done better than expe
cted, but that doesn't make him one of the league's best goalies.
Someone said he can win big games--I don't know that that is true.  Aside from
the first Harvard game this season, he has lost every really big game (in two C
larkson games he gave up six goals, and six goals in the first 25 minutes, not
to mention horror shows at RPI and Colgate).  True the team may not have been p
laying well in front of him, but big goalies come up big in big games.  He does
                                            Carl Sussman
                                            Go Bears!!!