Sean Pickett <[log in to unmask]> writes...
>It would appear that the ECAC wants to minimize the chance
>of having the two teams play three games in a row.  Remember,
>the ECAC is the 'academic' league (at least in their own eyes).   ;-)
     Not to mention eliminating the possibility of having to
play a triple OT game in games 1 or 2.
     I haven't seen mention of what seems to me to be the most
obvious reason for the format.  If Team A wins 9-1 the first
night and loses 2-1 in double OT the second night they might
think it a bit unfair to have to play a third game when under
"normal" circumstances they would have had a blowout win and
a tie.  Recall that the format used to be two games, total
goals in most conferences (except, I think, the ECAC which
used the infamous "mini-game").  Under the old format, that
9-1 winner the first night went into game two with an 8 goal
advantage.  It seems to me that, rather than go to a three game,
play 'til someone wins each night format, the ECAC opted to
seek a middle ground.