>Posted on 7 Mar 1995 at 22:04:29 by Jayson Moy
>Good job by Don Cahoon, and if I was voting, he would be my choic.
>Not to say that Gaudet and Vaughn have not done good things.  Gaudet has
>managed to take his team and put them near the top, but to argue the point,
>a lot of people thought Parsons could not handle the load that Finch took,
>and that Geoff would not be replaceable.  Parsons was up to the task.  Other
>wise it is a team which has not changed much.
This is not totally correct. Brown lost the high scoring line of Mark
Fabbro-Kelly Jones-Chris Kaban, which used to take a lot of pressure
off the Eric Trach-Brian Jardine-Ryan Mulhern line (and vice-versa).
The loss of a second high-scoring line necessitated a change into a more
defensive style (but fortunately not into the clutch-and-grab style
favored by some ECAC coaches). Brown also lost two unheralded, but
very solid defensemen: Mark Shaughnessy and Brendan Whittet (currently
a volunteer assistant coach at Brown). In sum, Brown lost six seniors,
all of whom were top performers for Brown.
Luiz F. Valente