jwilson <[log in to unmask]> writes:
      Since no one else has started this, I guess I will.
     I am starting the "Jeff Sauer for WCHA Coach of the Year" campaign.
     He took a team that was picked to finish 6th in the league, to a
     second place finish.  That right there should be enough.  But for the
     first time in years, he had his team playing like a team and not a
     bunch of glory seeking head cases.
How about The Gwoz?  He, similarly to Sauer, took a team that most picked
to finish in the lower half of the WCHA and finished tied for second.
(OK, third w/ the tie breaker).
  - Steve
Steve Weisfeldt
Univ. of Lowell  1986, 1988                       Home of the 'Hawks!!
[log in to unmask]                          10-11-1 [1] (15-16-4)