In article <[log in to unmask]>, Julian Chu
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
> >In response to Martin Small's post:
> >Are you ABSOLUTELY sure that Martins had the game winning shot in OT in
the fir
> >st Harvard-Brown game of the 93-94 season?  I was there and I could've
sworn it
> >was Gustafson who made that shot...I remember vividly being frustrated
> >because it was Gustafson and not a big gun like Martins.  Does anybody
else who
> > was there remember this?
> >                                                      Carl Sussman
> Carl's right. It was Gustafson who made that game winning shot.  Cory, by
> the way, has been the recipient of more than his share of a beautiful
> Martins feed, resulting in a goal.  The problem with Harvard's offense this
> year is probably something beyond lack of scoring punch.  These guys should
> be able to score, but...
> Julian.
> Julian Chu
> Gemini Converging Markets Lab
You guys are absolutely right. It was Gustafson who put it by Finch. I
checked it out. It was certainly a pretty shot, and somehow I just
attribute all the flair to Martins. My bad - I stand corrected.
I still stand by all of the things I said about Martins though. He can
really make things happen.