Needless to say, I'm a bit upset about the way ESPN handled
the game yesterday. I must admit I have been swayed by
some opinions I've read here but still feel the need to
vent anyways.
1) We *should* be happy they showed the game... but not
too happy. I enjoyed watching the game, even if the
first period was missed and the last goal wasn't
live (it was "live" to any of us w/o a radio). If you're
going to write to ESPN, I'd urge you to use some sort of
restraint and tact. But don't lie; if you're not
satisified, tell them that and tell them why and tell
them what you think the y could do better and
assure them that you will watch college hockey, if they
expand the coverage.
2) I was originally upset that they showed the first
period on ESPN2, but after simmering down, I could understand
it. If you're a tennis fan, you would feel no better about
watching the end of the match on tape delay than we did.
HOWEVER, after that precedent, I assumed that we would see the reest of
the hockey match, as well, in its entireity.
Ryan mentions the fact that ESPN wanted to honor its
contract with the women's tennis people and to honor
its contract with the golf people, and I understand that.
But using that logic, why shouldn't they honor their contract with the
NC$$? When ESPN tell sus that our sport is less important
than tennis or golf, as they implied by this, you have
to expect that some of us are going to take exception
to that.
3)I'll give them the benefit of the doubt and assume that
their satellite troubles were legit. WHY DIDN'T THEY TELL US?
Why didn't the golf guys say they were having technical difficulties
and they'd be getting back to hockey as soon as possible? At
least thqat would've been ingenuous, especially after telling
us they'd go to the hockey game after one of the commercials
Someone earlier suggested that what they did (not
telling us it was tape delay) was illegal.
4) Finally, why didn't they show us one  instant replay of the
last goal? I mean with tennis, they showed us the replay of
several points, including match point, Sanchez's injury, etc.
Why not *ONE* replay of the game winning goal? Just one?
Not even a wrap up show or even commentary on one of the
most exciting games in college hockey history, just one
instant replay of the game winning goal.
The way I figure it is that  if ESPN isn't going
to put any real effort into college hockey broadcasts,
then maybe the college hockey people should
search for another outlet, while retaining ESPN until
they find someone else. Is that a possibility?
I feel that if treated seriously by a network, college
hockey could get decent ratings. I'm sure there are
people out there who watch golf and tennis and
drag racing, but I suspect we could get more people watching the national
semis of the college hockey tournament than they could
get for the 3rd round of a non-Grand Slam tennis tournament
or first rd. of a seniors golf tournament. Maybe not, but
I'd like to see it attempted. This is not to diss that sport
or to diss golf, but this is probably the one time
when we can all focus in all our ratings power on a couple of games.
But we *should* write to ESPN (and to the NC$$'s) and
let them know what we think. Let them know that we WATCH the games
and TV and care enough to write a letter. Be polite
(reasonably) but very firm to ESPN. Don't make demands,
because that will end up in the trash, but let them know
your not happy. Also, be realistic. We're probably not
going to get a game of the week on ESPN, but we can
reasonably ask for full and decent coverage of a few games, esp.
if we let them know the number of us out here.
All this is, of course, IMHO.
Bri Farenell                  Hey parents: the kids' sports belong to the kids.
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