I called e$pn this a.m. and basically was treated the same way we all were
yesterday. With smuggness and arrogance.
Wow - what a beautiful apology (phone recording on tape) re: Maine/Michigan
- NOT! I would'nt believe these people if they told me the earth was round.
The man I spoke to assured me that tommorrows tennis is taped and the hockey
game will be shown *in it's entirety* - yeah, right!
I'm still pissed and will never watch e$pn again as long as I live (after
tommorrow). I will never buy another product advertised there either.
The man said "it was beyond our control" in reference to the "losing the
satelite" thing.
The way I see it, I missed a good chunk of what is the best game I've ever
seen. e$pn should never, ever get another college hockey game. They dissed
all of us and we should diss them right back.
Besides, for such a classy game (college hockey) to be shown on such a
class-less station is IMO blasphemy.
Oh well... it's gonna be a long time before I feel better about this...
| Patrick L. Blake           Boston Red Sox     UMaine Black Bears      |
| [log in to unmask]      Washington Redskins         32-5-6            |
|                      Old Town Indians     '95 Hockey East co-Champs   |
\---------"Stranded in the bowels of north florida since '88"-----------/