Steve Weisfeldt wrote:
> I'm pretty much in agreement with all the groaning about the poor coverage
> yesterday and plan to contact ESPN as well as the rest of you.
> Some people have made some good points about how tennis and golf audiences
> are much larger than college hockey (and I can't bad-mouth the tennis
> tournament that pre-empted the game TOO much since my parents are at that
> tourney!), but what about the BU-MINN game?  Why was this game on ESPN2
> and not ESPN?  I checked ESPN about the time the game was on and do you
> know what they were showing?  Some sort of car racing!!!  Now, I must
> admit I know lots of people who would rather watch golf and tennis than
> college hockey but car racing??? I don't know anyone who watches car
> racing.  Does ANYBODY actually watch this stuff?  What couldn't that be on
> the Deuce instead??
Yes, somebody actually does watch "that stuff". The more personal
attacks to Steve were sent via private e-mail.