Before I start, I must say I agree that it was very rude not to show the
end of the UM^2 game live, especially if you were listening on a radio in
AA or Orono.
For the rest of us, especially those of us stuck in the middle of
Orange-ball lunacy, we did see it, as live as we could get it.  All I can
think is that we should be glad we saw the game today!  Many other less
expansive sports that ESPN covers are not even shown live (ie. LAX, crew
and some track and swimming stuff).  Imagine not seeing this game until
after Easter.  How bad would that be?
I am very glad that I will get to see 7 games of the playoffs by
Saturday.  This is a great step up from only a few years ago.  For
comparison, I think hockey is about where women's b-ball was five to
eight years ago as far as TV goes.  Maybe our sport can grow similarly
(Big crossed fingers).
So while I share your distaste for how ESPN chose to handle the extended
game, I can not be quite as flamable as those of you who live in NESN,
Prime, MSC, or even Empire coverage area.  I got to see one game about
every other week on our "local" Prime outlet.  (Local is DC, and the
Bullets sometime prempted the Friday Night Game).  Therfore, I am
greatful to ESPN for all the coverage of the Nationals as well as the
Beanpot last month.  Without them, all I would have is H-L, and not to
slight the list, but boxscores just don't quite have the same feel as
"live" action.
Just a couple thoughts from a hockey fan trapped deep in the heart of
Durham, NC, where the only thing to knock the Tarheals off the front page
this past two weeks was that guy who came back to "da BULLS".
William Sangrey
Cornell '87&'94
Let's Go RED!!!
(Brian, are you packing soon?  PLEASE!)