This whole bit about throwing things has gotten totally out of hand!! What's
the deal? It was all over local news, and maybe one of you more knowledgeable
people can tell us where, that a college administration banned fans (except
family) from 1 or 2 games for "...throwing mass amounts of assorted objects
onto the ice..."!!! Maybe if students and fans feel this is necessary that ALL
rinks/colleges should do this to their fans to send the message home.
Personally I get very "into" hockey games especially ones at RPI. The fans
there are great, we yell, swear, cheer on fights and have buckets of fun. That
is what being a fan at a college hockey game is all about. Having fun. But WE
(the fans at RPI) know where to draw the line for the most part, and I'm sure
that the administration appreciates this "good behavior". It is inappropriate
to be disrupting a game because you feel this sudden urge to throw something.
chris moon