Steve Hallman writes:
>Disclaimer: this has been severly edited to get to the point...
>On Tue, 28 Mar 1995, G. M. Finniss wrote:
>> ...except for the tradition of throwing a sieve at the opposing goal
>> after the first MSU goal is scored.
>> Otherwise, we're a pretty (read: too) tame crowd and getting tamer
>> (and/or lamer) every year...
>This is all very true, but the crowd (read: students) *do* get
>excited when the sieve HITS the goalie....
That's funny. I don't recall a time when an MSU Sieve hit a Michigan
goalie. At least not at the Joe or at Yost. Could have happened up
at Munn. Did Buzak hit Turco early this year or did the Sieve do it
last year when Shields was the goalie?  Did he get a disqualification?
Mike Collingridge
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Go Bl--er, Um, ...geez, why do black bears have to wear blue and say
they're from UM?