I haven't seen a clear response to the questions about Richard Keyes'
injury, so here's an unofficial report from one one of his teammates....
    Last night when Lin and I spoke to Jon at MSU, he told us that Keyes'
injury (on Friday night) is "exactly the same as mine except the other knee".
    We're not sure __exactly__ what that means, but:  since Jon's left knee
ligaments were damaged we presume (and that may be our mistake) that Richard's
right knee ligaments have been damaged.
    Hopefully they'll both be able to start skating again in plenty of time to
get in shape for next season.  We'll know more about Jon after the surgery
    If I hear anything more concrete about Richard Keyes I'll post it here.
Better yet, perhaps someone closer to the "official" information sources could
    Go Spartans!  (1996 CCHA Champions)
      -- Bob Gaskins ([log in to unmask])