In article <tZ,[log in to unmask]>, [log in to unmask] says:
>Actually, the only "automatic" bid goes to the winners of the conference
>tournaments.  This year, an "unofficial" rule is in effect giving the four
>regular-season winners bids as well, but it hasn't been officially deemed
You say "to-may-toe," I say "toe-mah-toe." As I understand it, each
league gets to choose its qualifier for the NCAA tournament, and each
league chose to send their tournament champion. The NCAA then said that
if the tournament champion is different than the regular season
champion, the regular season champion gets a berth in the NCAA
tournament, too. Therefore, teams that win the their league's regular
season championship receive an automatic berth in the NCAA tournament
because it doesn't matter if they don't win their league's tournament,
they're in anyway. If that's not automatic, then I don't know what
automatic is.
Ryan Robbins               "Nothing in fine print is ever good news."
University of Maine                                  -- Andy Rooney
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