Kenneth Baker wrote,
>John and Company,
>Another new cheer also started this season!  When the announcer would
>acknowledge 1 minute left to play in each period at all games, the
>students would all shout 'THANK YOU!!' hoping to hear a 'YOU'RE
>WELCOME!!' from Glen Williams, the famed PA announcer at Yost.  Whenever
>we did hear it, the students would go 'ANNOUNCER!!  SIEVE!!  ANNOUNCER!!
>SIEVE!!  etc.  etc.  '.  (It is truly a shame students did not support
>our football and basketball teams at all.  It makes hockey games all the
>more fun!)  Had to throw in 2 pennies!!
        At BU, we ask "HOW MUCH TIME?" just before the announcer told us
there was one minute left to play.
|Carl Ford                                 |US Naval Research Laboratory|
|Boston U. '93                             |                   Code 7609|
|GO TERRIERS!!!   1995 BEANPOT CHAMPIONS!!!|        4555 Overlook Ave SW|
|             1995 HOCKEY EAST CO-CHAMPS!!!|   Washington DC  20375-5352|
|     1995 HOCKEY EAST TOURNAMENT CHAMPS!!!|              (202) 767-1351|
|Now if they can just do it in Providence..|                            |