Ralph Baer <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>Another question.  RPI's Jon Pirrong was given a game misconduct
>(seemed excessive to me, but that isn't the question).  Does he have
>to sit out RPI's first game next season?
Rule 4 Section 5 Paragraph b of the NCAA Ice Hockey rules states:
   The progressive game disqualification structure will be as follows:
   1.  First disqualification penalty-that game plus one.
   etc., etc.
However, there is a note.
Note:  This disqualification structure is for the current season only and
does not carry over to the next season.
So, thanks to the fact that RPI lost, Jon Pirrong can play the next RPI
game.  Had RPI beaten Minnesota, he would have sat in the stands for the
Colorado College game.
Kurt Stutt
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