Brian Morris wrote:
> So it is an undeniable fact: Albany is much closer to all ECAC schools than Lake
> Placid, except the North Country teams, and maybe Vermont.  And if the to
> tournament ever encounters our not infrequent March snowstorms, Washington DC
> would be faster time-wise than Lake Placid.
Obviously, Brian wasn't serious here, but I can safely state that the
ECAC tournament wouldn't draw in DC.  There is virtually no interest,
as can be seen by the amount of money that WNVT-53 is able to raise
from its showings of the ECAC and NC$$ games.  (I do thank them for
this.)  Anothing thing, if we get 1" of snow in DC it affects traffic
more than one foot would up north.
Ralph Baer
RPI '68, '70, '74