minnesota wins 3-0
earlier denver beat new hampshire 9-2
from listening to the minnesota-rpi game, it certainly sounded like
the sportscasters (mike thomas who does the CC games and CCs sports
information director) thought the officiating was inconsistent in
terms of slow whistles vs quick whistles and penalties for dives.
it sounded like a slow whistle gave minnesota their second goal, and
it also sounded like a quick whistle in the third denied RPI a close
in chance to pull within 1.
The UNH score is a surprise.  That means we are now down to 3 eastern
teams, and might drop to 2 after tonights clarkson - lssu game
oh my.
charlie shub   University of Colorado at Colorado Springs
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(719) 593 3492               (fax) 593-3369