Ralph Baer writes:
>A few weeks ago, I copied a little note from The Intercollegiate
>Hockey Newsletter that stated that RPI and UVM were considering moving
>to Hockey East.  Well, I just received the 20 March edition which has
>a retraction.  The following is what was written:
>"so much for hot rumors: the ECAC office assures us that neither RPI
>nor UVM have any intentions of 'jumping ship' to the HEA, either
>individuallly or in tandem.  Gee, the things you hear at snack bars!"
>Please note that if you take what is written verbatim, it does not
>preclude one of the teams going to the HEA together with an unnamed
A very reliable source at Lake Placid told me that UVM is not going
anywhere. I didn't ask anyone about RPI, they were all too busy
celebrating - I don't think too many people associated with the
Engineers are complaining about life in the ECAC right now.
Geoff Howell
The Trenton Times