OK. This is getting personal now. Let me clarify my original post. Sorry
I seemed like I was crying about the chant. I wasn't. You'll find me
chanting sieve at any goalie after the guys in maroon and gold have
buried the puck three times (ie 3 goals in 7 minutes in the first period
against DU last Sunday).
What made me mad about the UW fans was when they did the sieve chant at
Bach after they scored the winning goal in OT. Come on you cheeseheads!
You won the game! Show some class. You don't have to kick you opponent
when they're down.
UW fans are always going to be like this however, so what's the point of
I'm not even going to bother responding to Jason's comments because
they're so far off the original base of my argument.
Wow! There sure are a lot of people interested in the role of
sportsmanship in cheering a favorite team. Now, can we get back to the
replay discussion???
My new .sig:
On Tue, 21 Mar 1995, Jason W. Roy wrote:
> I agree with Chuck, Reed should show a little respect to the Wisc.
> program and their fans and quit crying. Wisc. won and the Gophs didn't,
> lets leave it at that and not humiliate ourselves on the internet. Maybe
> Reed should not attend Sporting events if he can't understand cheers.