Have not gotten any responses on this yet...If you know
        somebody, please have them contact me before next week
        so I can set up the reporting structure.  Thanks again!
        I am located in Saratoga Springs, NY, which is hosting the
        National PeeWee (12-under) Tier II Championships April 6-9.
        I would like to set up a reporting system for the other
        National Championships, also running that weekend.  If you
        know someone with access to the net that could e-mail scores
        to me, PLEASE ask them to contact me.  Here are the sites:
                Tier I PeeWee (12-under)        Detroit
                Tier I Bantam (14-under)        Chicago
                Tier I Midget (17-under)        Detroit
                Tier II Bantam                  Littleton, CO
                Tier II Midget                  Ogden, UT
        After receiving the scores from other sites, I am planning
        on compiling a mini-newsletter to go back out to all sites.
        Anyone interested can contact me at: [log in to unmask]