On Monday, March 20 I wrote:
>Go LSSU!  BU revenge beating Saturday night!!
I decided that an explanation of this was necessary, as I have had several
polite inquiries on the subject.  I am *assuming* that LSSU, the hottest team
in the tournament right now (agreed?), will beat Clarkson on Friday night,
setting up the opportunity for BU to get *revenge* on LSSU for last year's
drubbing, which I had the misfortune to witness in person, on Saturday night.
 I would love to see that rematch, for I do believe that BU would prevail.
 This will also toughen up BU for what lies ahead.
BTW, I mean no disrespect to Clarkson, and it would be nice to see them knock
the Lakers out on Friday.
Karen Ambrose, UNH '72
Go Blue, Beat Denver!!