Do gopher fans don't understand what the sieve chant is all about? Here
at Boston University we do the sieve chant even if we were down 10-0 and then
scored a goal we do it. Its fun  and I don't think its stupid. The wisc fans
are NOT ignorant just cause they chant sieve at the goalie. Why shouldn't they?
Where is this law that says if you chant sieve and your losin your an ignorant
fan? The Sieve chant is part of college hockey if you like it or not.
      All goalies are sieves if they are not at BU ;)
Class of 96
BU 1995 Beanpot champs
   1995 Hockey East reg- season champs *who cares about maine;)*
   1995 Hockey East Champs
   1995 NCAA Champs????? *hopefully*