>1. The Golden Gophers won their first six games of the season
>but were just better than a .500 team the rest of the season.
>RPI, meanwhile, has been on a 3-0-1 playoff tear and is getting
>great goaltending from junior Michael Tamburro.
I was very impressed by the Gophers win over Denver.  Any team that can win
a game after playing almost 11 periods in less than three days is not one I
want to play in the NCAA.
>2.  Madison is a long way from Troy, yet the Engineers might
>have more fans on their side.  The majority of the crowd will
>be Wisconsin fans, and Badgers hate Gophers.  The fact that,
>like the Bagers, the Engineers wear red should also endear them
>to the home crowd.
I think the biggest CC fans in St. Paul on Saturday were wearing maroon and
gold.  You can bet that the Cardinal and White have similar feelings about
the Gophers.  Are you bringing your band?
>3. The Dane ice surface is large, just under Olympic-sized, which
>is to the liking of the Engineers, especially speedy center
>Kelly Askew.
200 x 97.  The Gophers play on Olympic-sized ice too.
Good Luck!
Remeber that no one from CC (players or coaches) has ever played in the
NCAA.  Minnesota on the other hand has been losing in the NCAA for 11 years
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