It was an intense game.  BGSU drew first blood scoring about two minutes
into the game, LSSU returned fire and overwelmed Bob Petrie two minutes
later on a power play.  BGSU nailed it's second goal and LSSU again
responded two minutes later.  Things were getting intense towards the
last few minutes of the third and overtime was starting to become the
topic of disscusion when BGSU slamed home the game winning goal.  LSSU
instantly called time-out, pulled the goalie, and tried what they could.
BG stayed conservative and consintrated on just burning the time off.
Does anybody know what happened to OSU?  They were winning when I left
the Ice Arena and had lost by the time I logged onto BGnet.  I guess
Scotty fixed the transporter and sent the evil duplicates of OSU's hockey
team back to where they belonged.
Nathan W.L. Boyle
"Hey, is the president safe!"
                --comment I made to the LSSU team as it walked in to the
                  Ice Arena.  They were all dressed like Secret Service
                  agents. . . . or would that be KGB agents,  LSSU, sounds
                  like a former soviet republic.