I've not seen anyone post the complete tourney bracket. Going off the
bracket from last year, I came up with this. Can anyone confirm this
as correct?
               #1E Boston Univ
#4E Clarkson              \__________
-------------\            /          \
              \__________/            \
#5E LSSU      /                        \
-------------/                          \______________
                                        /              \
               #2W Colorado College    /                \
               -----------\           /                  \
#3W Minnesota              \_________/                    \
-------------\             /                               |
              \___________/                                |
#6W RPI       /                                            |
-------------/                                             |
               #1W Michigan                                |
               ----------\                                 |
#4W Wisconsin             \__________                      |
--------------\           /          \                    /
               \_________/            \                  /
#5W MSU        /                       \                /
--------------/                         \______________/
               #2E Maine               /
               ----------\            /
#3E New Hampshire         \__________/
--------------\           /
#6E Denver     /
Paul Marchant     |  CCHA, BEST in NCAA Hockey  | (513) 865 - 1637
LEXIS-NEXIS       |                             | Fabrication Systems Eng.
P.O. Box 933      |      Go BGSU Falcons!       | [log in to unmask]
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