Congratulations to the following hockey-l'ers for being the fastest
message posters in the land:
Message posted                  Hockey-L'er             Post time
--------------                  -----------             ---------
NCAA Tournament Seedings        Carol White             8:15:57 pm CST
NCAA Tournament Pairings        Ryan Stone              8:36:51 pm CST
** Honorable mention goes to Ryan Robbins, who posted an almost (but not
quite) correct version of the pairings at 8:18:12 pm CST.
** Ryan Stone nearly swept the competition. His tournament seedings post
came in a mere 22 seconds after Carol's. I was a distant 3-rd, trailing
Carol by a whopping 1 minute, 43 seconds. (Looks like I better invest in
a copy of Mavis Bacon if I expect to run with this crowd in the future!)
- Indy Rutks ([log in to unmask])