In article <[log in to unmask]>, Wayne Smith
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>>> 1.  Could someone please explain how a plus/minus rating is calculated?
>>Its simple really.  If you're on the ice when your team scores a goal,
>>you get a +1.  If you're on the ice when you get scored on, you get a
>>-1.  Add them up through the course of the year.  ...
>Actually, count +/- only when teams are at equal strength.  I think +/-
>might be valuable to a team coach, but as a national statistic, I too
>think it pretty much worthless.
I don't know if it's different for college hockey, but for the NHL you get
the +1 if you score while shorthanded and -1 if you get scored on when you're
on the power play.
- Andrew Brecher ([log in to unmask])  <insert disclaimer here>