Wayne Smith wrote:
>John Whelan said, in part..
>>        Ironic, isn't it, that this result (in all likelihood) gives
>>Maine a bye even though they lost tonite?  Now we don't have to wonder
>>what the "Maine Rule" will be next year. :-)
>The Princeton/Clarkson game, whatever the result, will have *no* effect
>on Maine getting a bye.  Clarkson had no chance to move into a 1st or
>2nd in East position.
        Does that mean the Clarkson Rule really was waved off?  Or are
you just asserting that it would have been BU rather than Maine to
lose the #2 seed to Clarkson, regardless of the HE tourney outcome?
                                        John Whelan
                                        Cornell '91
                                        <[log in to unmask]>
        "But send my boy to Princeton, or better still Cornell..."
                                -- "Don't send my boy to Harvard" (trad.)