TV related blah blah deleted...
> Bill Balloni
> Wisconsin '85  --  WCHA tourney title here we come!
bv: uhhhhh....
bh: hmmm hmmm hmmm hmmm
bv: huh huh huh huh huh huh huh
bh: These guys suck!
bv: Didn't we see these guys play hockey at the state fair last year?
bh: huh huh huh yeah, Winger kicked their asses!
C       C
C       C
C       C
CCCCC   CCCCC   TIGERS  1993-1994 & 1994-1995 WCHA Regular Season Champs!!!
#include 1994-choke.h
/* Yes I am quite aware and unfortunately witnessed first hand
the #1 tigers choke a major chicken playing the #10 MTU Muskies,
errr Huskies */