from THE NCAA REGISTER (22 February 1995)...paraphrased...
Case No.: 1 (Div I)
The current assistant coaches had multiple recruiting contacts
before being "officially" employed by the school.  Verbal and
written reprimands from the school.  Forwarded to NCAA enforcement
Case No.: 38 (Div I)
Several players ate free this season at university dining facility.
The players have financially repaid the benefits and their
eligibility has been restored.  The NCAA enforcement staff is
reviewing this and several other matters at the school and will
eventually submit report to Committee on Infractions for decision
and possible penalties.
And, in US COLLEGE HOCKEY MAGAZINE (31 December 1994)...
A very cool article by Kathy Slattery on Dartmouth's Switzerland
tour in December.  Worth checking out.  It just sounds like a lot
of fun.  I recommend taking a long road trip to follow your favorite
team.  Not only will the players and coaches appreciate the
support, but it's a great way to get to know other "local" fans as
well.  When Michigan traveled to Alaska Fairbanks last season,
12 UM fans/parents/etc made the trip.  We didn't all know each
other beforehand, but we spent a lot of time together in AK.  Now,
we're good friends and see each other all the time at other UM
games, home and away.  It's unlikely to happen, but I'd love to
follow Michigan on a European tour...what a blast.
John H
U Mich