Antony Garcia <[log in to unmask]> writes:
>  I have to say that I agree with Ralph -- although I am biased by the
> that I live in Boston.  Hockey Fest was before I started watching
> hockey, but the idea of combining the HE and ECAC playoffs into on huge
> hockey orgy sounds incredible to me.  If the ECAC plaoffs are going to
> continue to be held in Lake Placid, they should at least improve the
> broadcast quality.  Empire's coverage is terrible compared to NESN's.
This is interesting to me.  I was always under the impression that
HockeyFest was discontinued because ECAC fans were complaining about the
trek to Boston.  From posts here on Hockey-L, I'm getting a different
feeling.  Was the move to separate from HE purely a (as usual) stupid
admininstrative decision or were there logical reasons?
   - Steve
Steve Weisfeldt
Univ. of Lowell  1986, 1988                       Home of the 'Hawks!!
[log in to unmask]                          Only 2 more wins!!!!!