Is anyone taping the TV coverage of the HE tournament?  I would
love to get a tape of the championship game, especially if BU (hopefully)
is in it.  I will pay for the tape, postage, etc.  Please email me privately
if I can get a copy from you.  Thanks a lot!
Stuck in college hockey purgatory (but it's 80 degrees and sunny outside),
|Carl Ford                                 |US Naval Research Laboratory|
|Boston U. '93                             |                   Code 7609|
|GO TERRIERS!!!   1995 BEANPOT CHAMPIONS!!!|        4555 Overlook Ave SW|
|             1995 HOCKEY EAST CO-CHAMPS!!!|   Washington DC  20375-5352|
|GO GOPHERS!!!                             |              (202) 767-1351|