On Wed, 15 Mar 1995, Michael C. Blanchard Wisconsin Badgers wrote:
> On March 14, 1995 Brian Gentry wrote:
> "If this is true that if a team wins both RS and playoff titles will get a
> bye, this is an outrage."
> ========================================================
> Outrage? I don't think so. If it is indeed true the above criterion for a bye
> is used (and Clarkson does win their tournament title) then all BU or Maine
> has to do is win their tournament to get a bye.
> The teams know what they are playing for. Win the title,  get a bye. Lose the
> title and you may not get a bye. What's the problem?
> It should make for an even more exciting tournament (if that's possible).
> On, Wisconsin!
> Mike Blanchard
BU and Maine both deserve byes based on their records.  One of them will
not win the Hockey East tournament.
Arthur Berman [log in to unmask]
GO BU!!!