More inconsitant reporting on NC$$ seedings:
Today's Daily Free Press reported that a team that wins both its
conference's regular season AND tournament championships is guaranteed an
NC$$ 1st round bye.  This would mean Clarkson receiving a bye ahead of
either BU or Maine.  The article also stated that BU and Maine are
considered co-champs by the committee by virtue of having the same # of
points, ignoring the tiebreaker.  If either team wins at the Gahden this
weekend, the "automatic bye" would kick in.
These two criteria for seeding are totally contradictory to everything
I've read here.  It just doesn't make any sense for BU or Maine to lose a
bye because they are in the same conference.
I'd appreciate some confirmation of what process the committee actually uses.
Thanx in advance,
Greg Weintraub
BU '97
"Tearin' down the Garden - Terrier style":)