Andrew Weise <[log in to unmask]> wrote:
>> > The regular season champion from each conference gets an automatic
>> > berth in the NCAA regionals. Then each conference tournament champion
>> > gets an automatic berth.
>> >
>> > I believe the bye always goes to the top seed in each regional.
> Actually, I believe the top 2 seeds in each regional get a first round
> Thus, #3 plays #6 and #4 plays #5. Seeds 1 & 2 wait for the winners of
> those games.
> My question is do they "re-seed" so #1 plays the lowest remaining seed?
> That is, if #6 beats #3 and #4 beats #5, does #1 play #4 and #2 play #6
> (to keep the brackets in order)?
Actually, the only "automatic" bid goes to the winners of the conference
tournaments.  This year, an "unofficial" rule is in effect giving the four
regular-season winners bids as well, but it hasn't been officially deemed
I don't believe the tourney is reshuffled.  After the twelve teams are
selected, the brackets are filled out and don'w change regardless of game
   - Steve
Steve Weisfeldt
Univ. of Lowell  1986, 1988                       Home of the 'Hawks!!
[log in to unmask]                          10-10-1 [1] (15-15-4)