According to today's Wisconin State Journal, the 1994-95 College
Hockey USA/WCHA player's all star team (voted by the players on
the 10 WCHA teams):
1st team:
        Brian Bonin     Minnesota               F
        Greg Hadden     Northen Michigan        F
        Jay McNeill     Colorado College        F
        Brian Rafalski  Wisconsin               D
        Nick Naumenko   North Dakota            D
        Ryan Back       Colorado College        G
2nd team:
        Colin Schmidt   Colorado College        F
        Path Mikesch    Michigan Tech           F
        Brad Federenko  Minnesota-Duluth        F
        Kent Fearns     Colorado College        D
        Kelly Hultgren  St. Cloud State         D
        Lee Schill      Alaska Anchorage        G
Rookie of the Year:
        Mike Crowley    Minnesota               D
Congratulations to all !!!