Yesterday's Boston Globe reported that the Lowell @ NU game is Friday
night, 3/9/95.
   - Steve
----------------------[Reply - Original Message]----------------------
Sent by:Brian Gentry <[log in to unmask]>
 The first round playoff game at BU will be on Sunday, March 12, at 7PM.
represents a change from what was origionally reported on HOCKEY-L based
a BC press release.  The game was originally supposed to be played on
the 10th.
This is based on an ad in the BU student newspaper for the game, the
Globe, and the BU ticket office.
I called the BU ticket office telling them that I had heard that the #2
was supposed to play on Friday the 10th and I was wondering why a change
been made.  She said all she knew was that last week they knew that the
was either going to be held on the 10th or 12th and it was "decided" to be
held on the 12th.
How or if this affects the other HE playoff dates, I do not know.  The
UMass-Lowell-Northeastern game was supposed to be on the 12th.  Perhaps
that game is now on the 10th??
Brian "Tater" Gentry  BU'95
Go Terriers!!
The Beanpot is Home!!
Now for the HOCKEY EAST championship repeat!!