College Hockey USA poll:
  Team                    Record     Points    Prev.
 1. Maine(7)              24-2-6      97        1
 2. Michigan(2)           21-4-1      91        2
 3. Boston U.(1)          18-5-3      78        4
 4. Colorado College      22-8-0      73        3
 5. Bowling Green         19-7-1      60        5
 6. Michigan State        17-7-3      43        6
 7. Clarkson              15-5-4      40        7
 8. New Hampshire         18-6-3      25        8
 9. Denver                18-9-1      24        9
10. Minnesota             15-10-3      8        -
 Others receiving votes - Wisconsin, Harvard, Brown,
WMPL poll:
  Team                    Record     Points    Prev.
 1. Maine(5)              24-2-6       95       1
 2. Michigan(5)           21-4-1       94       2
 3. Boston U.             18-5-3       75       4
 4. Colorado College      22-8-0       74       3
 5. Bowling Green         19-7-1       57       5
 6. Michigan State        17-7-3       41       6
 7. Denver                18-9-1       36      10
 8. New Hampshire         18-6-3       28       7
 9. Clarkson              15-5-4       23       9
10. Minnesota             15-10-3      17       8
 Also receiving votes - Wisconsin, Princeton.
Karen Heasley
Colorado College '95
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"Sometimes I think the surest sign that intelligent life exists elsewhere
 in the universe is that none of it has tried to contact us."
 - Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes 11/9/94