Well, I'm not exactly a hockey purist.  Don't get me wrong, I love the
     1-0 defensive battles.  But the 7-6 BC-Harvard game last night was the
     most entertaining I've seen in a while.  Although the only games I've
     seen down here in D.C. recently are the Beanpot, the RPI-Clarkson
     satellite broadcast, and a couple NHL games.  There was more good,
     clean, hard hitting in the first period than I've ever seen in the
     NHL.  As Mike pointed out, I'm not sure why Harvard would purposely
     play that kind of game with the physically superior BC squad.  But it
     was a great game with some great plays, great saves (even if the
     goaltending was sub-par), and good capitalization on oppenents errors.
      But the best part was I got to see some more college hockey!!