Lynah probably is the loudest on a regular basis, but the
siren at St. Lawrence's Appleton Arena has to be the most
deafening sound in college hockey.
As for Walker Arena, I was there for the last regular season
game in 1990-91 as the broadcaster/writer for Princeton.
Eleven goals later, I suspect that Jim Higgins and goalies
Mark Salsbury and Ron High are still trying to recover. The
combination of the band, bell, low ceiling and student to
non-student fan ratio made it louder than any rink I've
ever been in. Cheel Arena isn't anything like it, if only
because so many non-students dilute the enthusiasm. The
remodeled Alfond Arena has the same problem.
-Geoff Howell
The Trenton Times
Drop The Puck
and anyone else who will pay me