Thanks for the very spirited conversation that has resulted from my article.
I wasn't the first to mention this issue, and I won't be the last.
Let me  clarify one thing that I said in my original article:
Dave Aiello ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>Finally, every game official deserves the courtesy of being referred to by
>his full name, or "Mr." and his last name.  If you, as a fan, cannot take
>time to find out an official's first name and include it in your article,
>can we be sure that you were paying close attention to the play you are
All that I was suggesting was that we should strive to use the official's
first and last name whenever we first refer to him in an article on HOCKEY-L.
 It seems disrespectful to me when an article repeatedly refers to an
official as "Jones" or "Smith".  I wasn't thinking of this originally, but
it's also pretty confusing.
I hope that the same standard can be used in referring to players, coaches,
officials, and other participants.  Sorry, if my original article came across
as arrogant.
I consider myself an active reader of HOCKEY-L rather than a regular
correspondent.  A lot of you see a great deal more Division 1 College Hockey
than I do.  I want to let you all know that you provide a great service to
those of us who live in markets where Division 1 College Hockey is not
readily available.
Dave Aiello
J.P. Morgan & Company, Inc.